Ways to Manage Racing Thoughts By Luis Hines, Ph.D., LMHC, LPC

Racing thoughts are a stream of thoughts that come quickly, one after the other. They may be about one subject or many different unrelated things. Racing thoughts have the power to completely take over a person’s mind, leaving them unable to focus on anything else.
Let’s be clear: There is no single cause of racing thoughts. They can be triggered by high stress, lack of sleep, medications, and some medical conditions. Fortunately, treating underlying health conditions or coping techniques can be effective in reducing or calming them.
Fast facts on racing thoughts:
- People who do not have a mental health condition can have racing thoughts.
- Several mental health conditions can make a person more prone to racing thoughts.
- Once the cause has been identified, a person can receive the treatment they need.
What causes racing thoughts?

Seven ways to stop racing thoughts
There are ways to control racing thoughts and reduce their occurrence. It may take time and practice to master these strategies, but they can be useful for managing racing thoughts at any time.
1. Focus on now, not the future or the past
For some people, racing thoughts stem from something that has not happened and may never happen. Other people focus on things that happened in the past, which cannot be changed.
People who experience racing thoughts should take every effort to think about what is happening right now. Saying to themselves:, “I won’t worry about the past or the future, I’ll focus on what I can control,” is a good place to start.
2. Take deep breaths
The body’s natural panic response is to speed up the heart and breathing rate. This may happen when the mind begins racing. Slower, deep breaths can reduce the body’s stress response and promote a feeling of calm, helping to quiet or stop racing thoughts.
Deep breathing can be done anytime, without any particular training. Just breathing in for 3 seconds and out for 5 to 10 seconds is a simple way to accomplish this.
3. Think about other options
Because racing thoughts often end up in a worst-case scenario, it can be easy to get wrapped up in disaster. This can lead to a vicious cycle of more anxiety and continued racing thoughts. A person whose mind is racing may wish to tell themselves that this worst-case scenario is not going to happen.
They can think about other, more desirable options that are more likely to occur. Instead of, “I’ll get fired for that mistake,” change the thought to, “Everyone makes mistakes, and I’ll do what I can to make it right.”
4. Use mantras
Mantras are simple words or phrases that people can repeat to calm the mind. They can be particularly useful in times of panic and racing thoughts. Phrases such as, “I can get through this,” or “It will be okay,” can be helpful.
Mantras allow the mind to focus on one simple thought that is positive or encouraging. This turns the mind away from its racing thoughts.
5. Try distractions
A favorite hobby, especially one that is calming, can quiet the mind and help a person focus on something other than racing thoughts.
Coloring books are a popular option for reducing stress and offer a calming distraction. Painting, gardening, cooking, or playing an instrument are other possibilities.
6. Exercise

Share on Racing thoughts may be controlled with regular physical activity.
Regular physical activity improves mental well-being and may be helpful during an episode of racing thoughts. Numerous studies have shown that exercise can have mood-boosting power. If a person feels racing thoughts developing, walking, jogging, or similar activities may help to settle the mind.
7. Inhale lavender essential oil
Lavender has a reputation for being calming, and some research backs up this claim.
A study published found that inhaling lavender essential oil can calm the mind and quiet brain activity.